
The appearance of many of the gui components (also known as widgets) are highly configurable. There are three ways to alter the style of the interface

  1. Use the default style. This will affect every single widget, even ones that have already been created.

    Example: alter the background color to blue for every widget
    style = gui.get_default_style()
    style.bg_color = "blue"
  2. Use a custom style. This allows you to customize individual widgets or groups of widgets

    Example: create two buttons with a smaller font size
    custom_style = gui.Style(button_text_font_size = 12)
    button1 = gui.Button((50,50),(80,80),label="Small text",style=custom_style)
    button2 = gui.Button((150,50),(80,80),label="Small again",style=custom_style)
    button3 = gui.Button((250,50),(80,80),label="OK")

    Custom made styles will all inherit the default settings, so you only need to specify those items that need to be altered

  3. Update a pre-existing style. This allows you to use a pre-existing style and only change those attributes which need to be changed

    Example: update a pre-existing style with a new background_color
    my_new_style = my_old_style.copy(bg_color="teal")

Styles can be updated dynamically, even after the widget has been created

class Style(**kwargs)
Parameters:**kwargs – specify style attributes as required
Returns:A new Style with attributes set as per kwargs, all others are as per default settings
copy(self, **kwargs)
Parameters:**kwars – specify style attributes to update as required
Returns:A new Style with attributes set as per kwargs, all others are as per the original style.
Returns:The default style.